NaPro Technology

Dr Turnbull can help you start or expand your family without needing IVF even if you are having difficulties getting pregnant.

The treatments are effective for all couples who have the potential for combined fertility.

This could include if you have had repeated miscarriages, endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, menstrual disorders and male factors that affects fertility, including low sperm numbers, poor motility or abnormal formation of sperm.

  • Effective treatments for couples who have the potential for combined fertility
  • Based on statistics, each year approximately 50% of couples achieve a pregnancy
  • Assessment and management of any fertility issues
  • Women with long or short cycles or abnormal bleeding patterns
  • The use of woman’s chart to accurately target diagnostic investigations, such as blood tests and ultra sounds.
  • Medical management for accurately diagnosed conditions to improve fertility
  • Refer for specialised surgical management to diagnose and treat causes of infertility, ie:- endometriosis
  • Diagnose and treat male infertility.  WE RECOMMEND SEEING BOTH PARTNERS FOR INITIAL CONSULT
  • Treatment for threatened miscarriage or bleeding in early pregnancy and continued throughout the pregnancy
  • Investigation with Hormonal and/or mineral treatments for post-natal depression


To make an appointment with Dr Turnbull please complete the New Patient enquiry form.

To find out more about the natural fertility methods please visit the following websites: