Saturday 12th October 2.00pm to 4.00pm
Adelaide Meridien Hotel, Melbourne St, North Adelaide
Go to Eventbrite or search for Dr Kylie Dodsworth on Facebook to book your ticket – only $29.00
“You and your hormones”
Are you getting hot flushes? Irregular cycles? Low libido? Low testosterone? Come and learn about how your hormones work and how to fix them.
Our hormones run the show! The true role of a hormone is to 'control and regulate' the activity of certain cells or organs. We generally thinks of our hormones as either being 'male' or 'female', but the truth is, men and woman have all the same hormones - its just a matter of which ones are dominating...
In this seminar we will discuss the roles each of our hormones have including oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and insulin. I will help you to identify the most common causes of imbalances in these hormones which can lead to issues including early puberty, PMS/PMT, polycystic ovaries (PCOS), male and female infertility, low libido, loss of muscle mass, increased weight, mood swings, andropause and menopause and osteoporosis.
I will explain the role of 'bio-identical hormones' which can be used to help re-balance the body, and we will also discuss the lifestyle interventions, herbal remedies and nutritional supplements which are helpful in getting any unruly hormones back into line! You need to run the show for while so that your hormones can remember what the rules are before you leave them in charge again.
I look forward to seeing you there :-)
Dr Kylie Dodsworth